Project Description

Welbourne Graduate Housing at Rollins College

The Welbourne Graduate Housing at Rollins College project was an adaptive re-use of residential apartments into modern progressive loft apartments. The objective was to create a modern progressive environment for graduate students attending Rollins College.

As a stark contrast to the traditional Mediterranean Design found on Rollins College campus, ACi Architects created this clean, modern expression with New York-type loft interior designs with stained concrete floors, exposed brick walls and concrete ceiling.

The Welbourne Graduation Housing exterior is of a Bauhaus Modern design and is in keeping with the mandate of modernism: that the expression of the forms and materials is honestly expressed and devoid of trivial ornamentation. Additionally, the U-shaped building allowed ACi Architects to create a study/social courtyard with a specimen Live Oak as canopy or umbrella for this new “outdoor room.”

“ACi Architects understand our need for long-term quality, maintainability, durability, and aesthetic requirements and are certain to deliver their projects on time and on budget.”

– Scott Bitikofer, Director of Facilities at Rollins College

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