Project Description

Nephron Pharmaceuticals Automated Storage Warehouse

Nephron Pharmaceuticals Automated Warehouse and storage facility located in Orlando, Florida is one of the only fully automated pharmaceuticals warehouse in the United States. ACi Architects served as the Architect-of-Record on the automated warehouse project. Nephron Pharmaceuticals Executive Management required a fast tracked development from 29 weeks to 29 days.  

ACi Architects, every consultant, general contractor, subcontractors, material suppliers and Nephron Pharmaceuticals Automated Warehouse Executive Management sat around a table to develop a master plan that would meet the required deadline. The following solution were made in order to meet the quick deadline.

  • All long-lead items to be purchased forconstruction, manufacturing and delivery from suppliers
  • Items such as mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, light fixtures and roll-up doors were targeted as the first parts requested in order to be delivered in time for construction.
  • Freehand shop drawings with suppliers for all exterior skin and roofing components
  • Slab perimeter and mat slab design
  • Critical to delivering the project by deadline was starting construction of elements without having other trades and disciplines complete, including design of the mat slab and, with great precision, delineation of the slab edge (which required a meticulous 1/8 inch tolerance for the automated robotics that were key to the facility). By having the slab ready before all others, the prefabricated structure provided by the automated robotics company could be erected, while the design and permit documents were still being completed.
  • Connection details with advanced German automated technology systems
  • One of the most intricate aspects of this project came with integrating the automated robotic system into the design. The mechanical system is responsible for sorting, loading and unpacking pallets into their exact place within the structure. However working with this advanced robotic arm—which has tolerances of 1/8 of an inch—made it critical to ensure we developed our details in concert with the criteria provided by the German manufacturer and worked these criteria into our basis of design.